℗ 2024 Tactus Records
Released June 7, 2024
Duration 1h 03m 23s
Record Label Tactus
Catalogue No. TC900201
Genre Classical (Chamber)

Bonelli: Musica da camera

Giuliano Fontanella, Tania Salinaro, Alessandro Curri, Giovanni Dal Missier

Available in 96 kHz / 24-bit AIFF, FLAC high resolution audio formats
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Sonata per violino e pianoforte op. 25  
I. Allegro ma con moto tranquillo
Ettore Bonelli; Giuliano Fontanella; Tania Salinaro; Alessandro Curri
II. Calmo e sereno
Ettore Bonelli; Giuliano Fontanella; Tania Salinaro; Alessandro Curri
III. Allegro
Ettore Bonelli; Giuliano Fontanella; Tania Salinaro; Alessandro Curri
Idillio op. 41
Ettore Bonelli; Giuliano Fontanella; Tania Salinaro; Alessandro Curri
Nocturne dans le bois op. 12
Ettore Bonelli; Giuliano Fontanella; Alessandro Curri; Giovanni Dal Missier
Sonata per viola e pianoforte op. 37  
I. Moderatamente mosso
Ettore Bonelli; Giuliano Fontanella; Alessandro Curri; Giovanni Dal Missier
II. Vivo – Adagio (Aria)
Ettore Bonelli; Giuliano Fontanella; Alessandro Curri; Giovanni Dal Missier
III. Finale: Allegro gioioso
Ettore Bonelli; Giuliano Fontanella; Alessandro Curri; Giovanni Dal Missier
Digital Booklet
The Venetian musician Ettore Bonelli has always been known as a violinist, a teacher and revisor, but less so as a composer. Precisely the conspicuous amount of revisions, over a hundred, (the famous version of the Concerto for Oboe by Benedetto Marcello, in fact, composed by Alessandro Marcello, published by Zanibon in Padua) to which Bonelli mainly dedicated himself after World War ii, had over-shadowed his rich activity of composition which had occupied him since 1918. He had abandoned this for thirty years and had taken it up again only in the ‘70s. with pieces with a didactic aim dedicated to the violin, oboe, double bass, and the flute- harp duo. This recording promoted by Alessandro Curri (violist, nephew of Ettore Bonelli, and son of the harper Ilde Bonelli) represents a first glance to the composer's chamber music production focused on works for violin and piano and for viola and piano. With Giuliano Fontanella on the violin and pianists Tania Salinaro and Giovanni Dal Missier, this world premiere recording is revealing a solid and decisive craftsmanship, which inherits and reworks the styles in vogue in the first half of the twentieth century in Italy, without excessive experimentalism yet with skilful refinement.
96 kHz / 24-bit PCM – Tactus Studio Masters
Track title
(dB FS)
(dB FS)
Album average
Range of values
-3.64 to -1.29
-25.46 to -20.95
-22.20 to -17.50
12 to 14
I. Allegro ma con moto tranquillo
II. Calmo e sereno
III. Allegro
Idillio op. 41
Nocturne dans le bois op. 12
I. Moderatamente mosso
II. Vivo – Adagio (Aria)
III. Finale: Allegro gioioso

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